DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU GROW: Daphne laureola

Sat, 01/28/2012 - 16:00 -- Editor


Laurel-leaved daphne/spurge laurel (Daphne laureola) introduced from Eurasia, is listed by the Invasive Plant Council of BC as "a Noxious weed that poses human health and ecological risks", while Work Safe BC factsheets note this plant "causes severe skin irritation".  

Many homeowners are not aware what lurks in their gardens, as often this plant arrives via bird droppings (the seeds are non-toxic to birds) and becomes a large stand of shrubs in a few short years.  With its large tap root this plant is difficult to remove once it is established.  If it is not possible to dig this plant up, the best course of action is to cut the stem at soil level taking care to wear gloves and protective clothing as the sap can cause skin irritation.  This soil level cutting may be repeated as the plant will attempt to send up new shoots; removal of all subsequent growth will weaken the plant for eventual removal.

Author: Heather Nielsen, MG, Vancouver Chapter


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