Guisachan Heritage Park Garden-Project

Sat, 11/30/2013 - 04:27 -- Okanagan

Our pilot project for this 'hands-on' venture at Guisachan Heritage Park has been a great experience for a group of Okanagan Master Gardeners and bodes well for the future of further projects.

The Central Okanagan Heritage Society (COHS) is responsible for the upkeep of this charming Edwardian Garden surrounding a Kelowna heritage house and outbuildings.  A unique treasure which our Master Gardeners fully embraced and their participation was very much appreciated as demonstrated in the attached letter from the COHS.  Rachael Fleming's report to the COHS is also attached below.

Submitted by, Wilma Schellenberger, OMG Publicity Chair


Photos courtesy:  Rachael Fleming, OMG Clinic Planner