JUDY ZIPURSKY: Leader, Mentor and Friend

Tue, 04/15/2014 - 12:36 -- Admin

For the incredible contribution she has made to Master Gardeners and our local community, one Master Gardener in particular is worthy of very special acknowledgement.

Judy Zipursky , Vancouver Master Gardener, Chairperson and Founder of the Healing Garden Group for the past 10 years has decided to step back from her leadership role just a little to catch her breath – it’s no wonder!

It’s an honour to be given the opportunity to share Judy’s astounding achievements with those who haven’t had the pleasure of working alongside her. To condense her numerous Master Gardener activities into a few short paragraphs will be challenging but keep reading, you’ll be amazed!

As a former Occupational Therapist, Judy was determined to extend her passion for healing to gardening and to those in our communities seeking a restorative environment to recover from illness, injury, addiction or grief.

It wasn’t long before the first healing garden project presented itself.  In September 2003, Vancouver Master Gardener Margaret Barr submitted a request to the MGABC Executive Committee.

Master Gardeners were invited to provide advice, plant selections, and design plans for the proposed Healing Garden at BC’s Children’s Hospital and Women’s Health Care Centre.  The hospital project headed by Kay Johnson of Griefworks BC, wanted to “create an outdoor, private, quiet space for reflection, meditation, and renewal for the children and women, their families and hospital staff who provide service for them.”

Hoping to ignite enthusiasm in other Vancouver Master Gardeners, Judy established the Healing Garden Group.  Beginning the journey with fellow members, Thea Rosenstock and Shirley Skagen,the tiny group forged ahead with the extensive assignment.

Following Judy’s leadership, the group educated themselves on the topic of creating Healing Gardens through website research, reading various books on the subject, walking labyrinths and touring a variety of gardens.  By sharing their ideas with potential users of the garden, the group ensured the specific needs for access and enjoyment of the space were realized.

The Healing Garden design and planting plans submitted to the hospital were enthusiastically received, however, due to reconstruction of the new Children’s Hospital facility, funding for the project was reallocated and the garden postponed pending new building plans.

Saddened but undaunted, the Healing Garden Group decided to carry on - we’re so glad they did since their next project became such an outstanding success!

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