MGs ON THE RADIO: CBC North by Northwest - listen here

Mon, 10/06/2014 - 08:11 -- Admin

NxNW Host Sheryl MacKay interviews MGs:

MG interviews may be listened to via the links below

the MG interviewed for the NXNW broadcast for Saturday, October 25, 2014 is Sue Ackerman from our Thompson Shuswap Chapter

The MG interviewed for the NXNW broadcast for September 27, 2014 is Barb Kohlman from our Victoria Chapter

Jul-12 Prince George MG
Melanie Watts from our Prince George chapter, on vegetable gardening in the north.

Aug-02 Okanagan MG
 Marianna Boda

Aug-30 Vancouver MG

Joan Bentley gives tips on shade loving plants

Lorraine Wilson from Vancouver Island Chapter will be interviewed about Daylily Gall Midge, on NxNW June 7, 2014. This is a timely topic as these pests appear in our gardens this time of year.


The Master Gardener interviewed May 10, 2014 NXNW segment was  Sue Ackerman from our Thompson Shuswap chapter.   Her talk was on small space gardening, vegetable gardening in unconventional containers (wooden barrels, old tubs, etc.),  useful particularly for new gardeners (young adults) – the most successful vegetables for that group.


Jo Canning is featured talking about early spring gardening March 8th :

"Plants care more about the heat in the soil than they do the heat in the air..."

"It's colder now and it will be colder in April, than it was in November!"

" Leaf mold is Mother Nature's candy for the soil"

"When the birds start digging at the soil, it's time to turn your compost.. use the finished stuff at the bottom up first."

Click here to listen on your PC - or download the free podcast from iTunes or the Podcast Store < Jo is about 39 mins into the show.


Grace Morrice from the Prince George Chapter was the featured MG on the NXNW radio segment Saturday, February 8, the topic being seed starts. Choose Feb 8th podcast , Grace is first up! Kim Hammond from VIMGA is featured for the MG segment on CBC on November 16th click here to listen

Shelaigh Garson, from Thompson/Shuswap Chapter, was a guest on  the CBC interview on NXNW on Saturday, 8:10 am, October 12. The podcast is available here The topics : fall gardens (both produce and ornamental) in interior B.C. gardens, and harvesting/winterizing the garden.

Victoria Master Gardener Renee Newell interviewed on September 14th click here to listen

Vancouver Master Gardener Sharon Hanna Interviewed August 10th, click here to listen. Sharon is right at the beginning of the show.

Listen to previous episodes of MGs on North by Northwest by clicking here

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