A new puppy or kitten? Plant lovers take note: a number of plants can be toxic, most especially to young animals at their most active and curious! Though most of us have had pets and rarely had problems, you’ll want to keep a close eye on a young animal who wants to chew everything in sight.
Houseplants are easily accessible to pets and many have toxic parts including Schefflera, Dracaena, Philodendron, Nerium oleander, Ivy, Kalanchoe, Cyclamen, Poinsettia – the list goes on. It might be easiest to give up houseplants or move them out of reach until you can better predict your young pet’s habits.
Outdoor plants seem less interesting to most pets, but don’t let them chew on bulbs – tulips, narcissus, lilies and Colchicum (autumn crocus) - they are poisonous. Others to especially watch out for are Ricinus (castor bean), Laburnum, and Taxus (yew). Consult your vet to learn more.
Author: Sharon Hanna, MG, Vancouver Chapter