A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT : Spring...Where are you?

Tue, 02/11/2014 - 12:23 -- President

As I write this I am looking at the primroses, snowdrops and hellebores blooming in my garden. Now I hear a winter warning of freezing temperatures and possible snow coming which means I need to protect those brave little signs of spring.  But should we be surprised?  I think this arctic blast is a normal occurrence for mid- February and Valentine’s Day…

Thank you to all members who completed the website survey.  The information is being compiled for use by the communication/website committee to help with the improvement and updating of the MGABC website.  Council is meeting in March to discuss the recommendations of the committee and then we will move forward on the changes.

In January I had the opportunity to present to the ISCBC (Invasive Species Council of BC) post-conference workshop.  At this workshop I learned more about the new ‘Plantwise’ program that ISCBC is expanding throughout the province. The ‘Plantwise’ program has grown out of the ‘Grow Me Instead’ program and has been expanded to include the growers and the retailers.  It follows the idea that if the invasive plant is not available then the public can be ‘trained’ to use something else and that is where the MGABC comes in.  As we are in the public eye, either at clinics, community projects, writing articles, school programs, workshops, Seedy Saturdays - we have the opportunity of educating the public.  I told the participants of the workshop that this program is one I believe the MGABC can be a good front line partner with the ISCBC and their local ISC groups to spread the information. There will be more information on the ways this partnership can evolve.

The website is for sharing information with the members and the public. It is also the communication tool for the organization so please watch it for updates on the many events, programs and partnerships that MGABC and the Chapters are involved with.

As always if you have any questions, concerns or comments please contact your chapter representative or myself…. And now let’s pray for spring and the time to plant all the seeds we will be buying at our Seedy Saturdays.

Lynne Chrismas

MGABC President


Cyclamen Photo~ Stella Ting , Vancouver

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