Mon, 11/11/2013 - 08:43 -- Okanagan


These tips are provided by Jean Dangerfield.  They are her personal experiences with over wintering geraniums. 

Geraniums are easy to over-winter.  I start at the end of September or up to mid October, removing my geraniums from their large planter pots or from the garden.   I carefully shake the old soil off the roots, and plant them in a 1 gallon pot or larger if necessary.  I use a mixture of potting soil and peat moss, so that the roots are comfortably covered and firmly patted down in the soil.  I trim off all large and fading leaves and remove flowers.  There is no vigorous growth during this period.  I allow them to go semi-dormant by keeping them in a cool place (not dark) and allowing them to become dry.  Water is sparingly applied only once a month from November through to March and the dead or dying leaves are tidied up.  I do not allow them to flower [this will zap their energy].   They can handle up to two degrees of frost but ideally should be maintained between 2 degrees and 15 degrees C. 

I have taken cuttings from the larger plants as well.  I dip the cuttings in hormone rooting powder and pot them in a light potting or starting soil, and pat them in firmly.  They can NOT handle frost.  I water these twice a month and do not let them dry out totally.   Again, I tidy up the dead or dying leaves and do not allow them to flower.

During the dormant period, I check my geraniums for any sign of bugs and if necessary, I gently mist them with my preferred insecticide (soapy water); if you are going to use something other than soapy water, check your municipal bylaws for a list of less toxic products. 

In April I start to water the geraniums twice a month, and if possible bring them to a brighter location.  I trim them well and remove any obviously dead shoots.   By April I gradually move them outdoors, but avoid direct sunlight.  Now I allow new growth.   I harden all my geraniums slowly, and by mid-May I put them in pots, using good potting soil, or in the ground in a sunny location.   I plant the cuttings which have successfully rooted into larger pots in good potting soil.  My geraniums bloom from May to October (or later).