Local Gardening Events

Wed, 06/19/2019 - 18:18 -- Anonymous (not verified)
MG Event

Although spring seems slow in arriving, a new growing season has begun with garden clean up, pruning, and seed starting getting into full swing! There are many events in our community  to help prepare you in your journey - from a short on-line class on basic composting, to a 5 part workshop series on food growing, there are many educational opportunities being offered this spring.  And many plant sales and Seedy Saturdays are back in person!

Be sure to register soon as classes fill up quickly.

To learn more about local gardening events in our community such as plants sales, educational courses/conferences and garden tours, please see our gardening events calendar below.

Gardening Events Calendar   The calendar is updated monthly, so please check regularly to find new upcoming activities!

For regularly scheduled events such as garden club meetings/special events and farmer's markets please see the organizations websites. They can be found here:

Local Garden Clubs 

Local Farmer's Markets

If you would like a special event added to the Gardening Events calendar, please email the details to the Out and About team at outandabout@msvmga.org 

Updated January 3, 2022