Garden Patch Protectors Workshop at Dart's Hill

Fri, 05/12/2017 - 15:51 -- Admin

The Darts Hill Garden Conservancy Trust Society hosted the Master Gardener's Association of BC- Vancouver Chapter  spring workshop: "Garden Patch Protectors", May 10th. in Darts Hill Garden Park. 

Instructor Kristine Schlamp, a KPU ( Kwantlen )  Horticulture faculty, provided a very detailed and entertaining program of instruction  which focused on the insects found in our parks and gardens. Kristine's  presentation was very interactive and  workshop participants thoroughly enjoyed it.  Kristine's approach focuses on the balance between pests and beneficial insects in the garden. 

Microscopes were set out on the dining room table in Darts House so participants could examine the  life stages of various critters as well.  The group also walked the garden in search of bamboo mites, pieris lace bugs and other assorted pests; some bumblebees were spotted in the lovely Rhododendron sp. just to round things out.  A highly successful day of horticultural education! -  text and photos contributed by Darts Hill Chair, Susan Murray.

The Education Committee of the Vancouver Master Gardeners works hard to bring current and useful information to our members on a regular basis. Here is the promo for this workshop: 

Send in the Predators, Parasitoids, and Parasites! to find and fix those Fantastic Beasts.

Do you know the 30-20- 10 rule? The higher the plant diversity in your plantscape the more stable it will be. In order to have a healthy balanced ecosystem your garden needs to have some of those fantastic plant feeding beasts to attract their predators. The key is balance.

In our workshop we will discuss some of the most problematic of plant feeders and how we can promote and provide for the predators, parasitoids, and yes even the parasites that would like to eat them. We will look at the environments that deliver for both sides.


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