A good time was had by all! MGABC AGM Sept 23/24th Vancouver ~ Chapter Reports!

Sun, 09/24/2017 - 17:00 -- Admin
MG Event

The Master Gardeners of B.C AGM was hosted by the Vancouver Chapter this year.  We lucked out with fine, dry weather! 

We welcomed  members to Vancouver to enjoy an event filled weekend with tours to Darts Hill and Burn's Bog on Saturday, a visit to VanDusen Botanical Gardens on Sunday, plus an entertaining lecture by Douglas Justice, lunch and a sharing of Chapter Happenings! 

Almost 100 Members from Vancouver Island (VIMGA), Victoria, Prince George, Thompson-Shuswap, Okanagan ( OMG ) and Vancouver, came together for a fabulous weekend of learning and sharing.

  • If you are looking for the latest version of our Constitution and Bylaws you may find it here or by looking under MGABC> Info > Governance Documents
  • Minutes from the 2016 AGM may be found here

Chapter Reports  PDF files

  • OMG - Okanagan Master Gardeners
  • Prince George
  • Thompson-Shuswap
  • Vancouver
  • Victoria
  • VIMGA - Vancouver Island Master Gardeners

​President's Message Link Here



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