Gardening Clinics

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 16:34 -- Admin
MG Event
In person Clinics were temporarily postponed because of COVID-19, but now we are back.We can be found at garden events, garden shops and farmers’ markets throughout Lower Vancouver Island. 
For a fun introduction to what Master Gardeners can offer, please follow the link to watch “The Clinic Experience”, a video created by Fran Benton, a Victoria Master Gardener. 
When you’re bringing us a question, please bring any samples (insects, diseased plant material, etc.) in a sealed plastic bag to prevent spread of pests and diseases. Photographs are encouraged, and it’s especially helpful if you can bring two photos: one a close up and the other a full picture of the plant or area of concern.
Updated February 21, 2021. 
PDF icon 2021GardeningQuestionsportrait.pdf122.62 KB