Paulik Park Tree Tour

Tue, 06/28/2022 - 13:46 -- Vancouver
MG Event

On Saturday June 25th I attended the Paulik Park Tree Tour in Richmond with my husband, daughter and 11 month old grandson. It was a beautiful day and the park was easy to find with lots of street parking available.

Students from the 2021 and 2022 Basic Training classes were there to tell us about eleven of the many mature trees in the park, with great enthusiasm, so much fun! Don’t we all love trees? My favourite was the Fagus sylvatica European Beech with its’ graceful branches, smooth grey trunk and leaves that turn a golden brown in the fall. It was underplanted with day lilies and many other perennials. My husbands’ favourite tree on the tour was the Fraxinus excelsior or European Ash with its’ opposite, compound pinnate leaves that turn rich shades of yellow in the fall. Massive tree! Thank you to the students for all your hard work and research, also to the other Master Gardeners who were there to support the tour. My grandson really enjoyed the swing in the playground. There’s something for everyone at Paulik Park and we’ll be returning again soon, so much to see in just one trip, maybe next time it will be for a picnic.

( Perhaps a picnic here?)

Photos D. Wright and Text by VMG Diana B

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