Education - Community

Tue, 05/17/2011 - 02:17 -- Victoria

In addition to garden clinics, the Victoria Master Gardeners Association periodically organizes educational events for the public and its members.  

  1. Master Gardener Basic Training
    • The Master Gardener Basic Training course at the Horticultural Centre of the Pacific starts in February of each year. This is an interesting, ambitious program for gardeners who wish to increase their knowledge and to join a community of fellow enthusiastic amateur gardeners.
    • If you are interested in the course or want more detailed information please
  2. Mixing It Up in the Urban Garden Biennial Conference
    • Every two years, a full day educational event, Mixing It Up in the Urban Garden, is held in late winter. It's called Mixing It Up because it mixes together flower gardening and vegetable gardening, all in an urban context. 
    • Visit the Mixing It Up page for 2019 highlights and presentations
    • Plan to join us at the next Mixing It Up, on Saturday January 30, 2021 at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney!  Click here for more information.
  3. Other learning opportunities
    • In addition to the above, there are often other public events in our area.  These are listed in our Garden Events Calendar,

Do you have ideas for any topics you'd like to hear more about?  Please send your suggestions to VMGA at for consideration for future educational events.  Thank you.

 rev:  December 16, 2018