SEEDY SATURDAY Vancouver: Great Turnout! ~ Archived

Mon, 01/23/2012 - 07:38 -- Vancouver
Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25,2012 – Seedy Saturday

The annual Seedy Saturday celebration of heritage seed and organic growers was hosted by the
Vancouver Master Gardeners at VanDusen Botanical Garden on Feb 25/12 in the Floral Hall. Doors
open 10am – 4pm and admission is by donation at the door which is donated to Seeds of Diversity.

This event features over 30 organic seed growers and exhibitors, with free lectures and a drop in
kids’ corner. All your favourite seed growers, West Coast Seeds, Two Wings Farm, Stellar Seeds,
Twining Vine, Brother Nature Organic Seeds, Full Circle Seeds and Salt Spring Seeds will be
there, as well as the VanDusen Garden seed collectors and Seeds of Diversity. Don’t forget about
mushrooms and blueberry shrubs or apple trees, even some pussy willows. Look for some new
exhibitors, Bloomfield Flats Cedar Furniture, Kelpman and Fraser River Discovery Centre. For the
kids in all of us there will be a Bean Count and if you haven’t been to the new Visitor Centre it is just a
short walk over the bridge to the new building. Nyala African food will be back this year in the Floral
Hall or try treats from Truffles Café in the new Visitor Centre. You might even find a book or two that
peaks your interest from Barefoot Books or the Master Gardener used book sale.

Come join the celebration of heritage seeds and organic gardening, featuring local growers, seed
companies and exhibitor. Spend the day, rain or shine and the enjoy the seed swap, the bean count
and free lectures.


Edible Container Gardening – 11am
Lis Thomas - SPEC

Learn to grow fresh fruits and veggies the city dweller's way, with containers!  Participants will learn
about container design, companion planting, choosing appropriate varieties, and creating a fertile soil
mix for optimal yield. 

SPEC - The Society Promoting Environmental Conservation is Canada's oldest environmental non-
profit organization.  For over 40 years, SPEC has worked on education, research, and advocacy
projects in the Lower Mainland and Georgia basin areas.  SPEC is excited to announce the Urban
Farmer Field School, a partnership between SPEC's food campaign and the YWCA Harvest Share
 Check it out at

Lis Thomas is a horticulturist who has worked with urban agriculture and community greening
projects throughout her career.  A transplant from NYC, she knows all about growing food in tiny
spaces.  She is currently working on an MSc. in Soil Science, and is the manager of the SPEC/YWCA
Urban Farmer Field School.

Bees, Bees and More Bees – 12:30pm
Brian Campbell – Vancouver Master Gardener

The lower mainland is a very rich pollinator diverse environment, in fact is has over 200 species
of bees, Canada has 850 identified bee species. Come learn their differences, their habitat
requirements, and what to plant for them so they can thrive and survive.

Brian is a Certified Bee Master as well as a member of the Vancouver Master Gardener Chapter. He
is well
known for his passion, his vast knowledge and dedication to educating the public of the importance of
bees for the survival of both plants and people.

Beneficial Insects and plants to attract them – 2pm
Shelagh Horner – Vancouver Master Gardener

There are many types of beneficial insects, not just those that pollinate our crops. Some are
predators that attack pest insects and those that help our compost piles. Come and see what they
look like and learn what plants to put in your garden to attract them.

Shelagh is a Vancouver Chapter Master Gardener who has taken both the Basic and Advance
Training Programs. She gives talks to a variety of Garden Clubs and other groups, answers
questions from the public on the UBC Hortline and still finds time to garden on Denman Island. 

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