The Vancouver Island Master Gardener's Association (VIMGA) now has the capability of offering workshops to enhance clinics in the communities that VIMGA serves.
A series of 6 different ready to present workshops was created by our Continuing Education Committee and introduced to our members at our Spring Education Day on March 20th at the Oliver Woods Community Centre in Nanaimo.
Meet Sandy, a VIMGA member who recently offered the workshop enititled: "How Do I Garden With Deer?"
Other workshop titles available are:
Edible Landscapes
How Do I Make Great Compost?
How Do I Grow Roses Successfully?
How Do I Succeed With Hanging Baskets?
How Do I Propagate Rhododendrons?
As workshops become available, watch for them on our "Community-Where to find us" page."
rev: June 27 2011