Tue, 11/14/2017 - 12:04 -- Cameron Smith
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Vancouver Island Master Gardeners Association (VIMGA) is the home for Master Gardeners living on Vancouver Island from Duncan north to Campbell River.

What is VIMGA's purpose?

VIMGA exists to provide education to the public on environmentally responsible and effective gardening practices by developing and delivering public workshops, seminars and volunteer clinics, and by publishing information on these topics.

What do we do?

Our members continually educate themselves in order to offer accurate and up-to-date advice at nurseries, garden centres, plant sales, farmers’ markets, garden shows and garden tours on Vancouver Island throughout the gardening season.  We also participate in speaking engagements on garden topics at newcomers groups, and garden club meetings, and write articles for local newspapers and newsletters.

How can you become a member of VIMGA?

If you are an experienced home gardener with a strong commitment to volunteering and like to work with adults or children, you may be interested in the Master Gardener Basic Training Program which is offered in collaboration with Vancouver Island University (VIU).  The program may be offered at the Nanaimo, Cowichan or Parksville campus.

All Master Gardeners who are members of MGABC have completed a MG Basic Training program. This program is based on a comprehensive set of material covering botany, plant identification, herbaceous and woody plants, right plant / right place, propagation, soils, basic entomology, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), plant diseases, vegetables, roses, vines, fruit and berry culture, and other locally oriented gardening information.

For information on course content, please select this VIU link to Basic Training Program

Usually this course is offered in alternate years with the next course is tentatively scheduled for September 2017.

Watch for the announcement of an information session to be held at the end of June.

What happens when you have completed the Theory portion of the Basic Training Program?

Once the classroom component including the assignments and exam are complete, you join VIMGA for a $10 fee and become a Master Gardener in Training.

MGs in Training must complete 70 hours of organized volunteer service over two years at clinics, providing education to the public.   During this time commitment, a plant profile project must also be completed.

Upon completion of the above requirements, VIU will present you with a Certificate of designation as a Certified Master Gardener.

How do I remain a Certified Master Gardener?

Certified Master Gardeners must complete 15 volunteer advice hours each year and 5 hours of continuing education.  Annual membership dues are $40.

Is VIMGA part of the Master Gardener movement?

Yes – we are a Chapter of the Master Gardeners Association of BC, and actively participate in the governance and administration of the provincial organization. The Master Gardener Basic Training Program meets all requirements of the MGABC and uses Sustainable Gardening, the manual developed by Washington and Oregon State Universities for Master Gardeners.

Contact Us:  info@vimga.org

Reviewed Sept 26, 2016

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