VIMGA Spring Education Day March 25, 2017

Mon, 05/01/2017 - 09:53 -- Cameron Smith
MG Event
Monday, May 1, 2017

Spring Fling a Big Success for VIMGA

Our small yet enthusiastic chapter met on March 25 for the annual spring education day and clinic sign-up party. Because we are much like fine cream cheese (amazing to experience, but always too thinly spread) each district or island area has a regional sign-up first so everyone in that area is ensured of enough local volunteer opportunities. There are always a variety of choices left, though much muttering and negotiations of clinic swaps were observed during lunch.

The business meeting was quick and efficient, followed by a series of mini-talks given by senior members on various volunteer opportunities, and VIMGA’s affiliation within the MGABC structure.

The highlight of the day was the seminar by Ted Leishner, master bee keeper and pollinator conservationist. His depth and breadth of knowledge – not to mention his enthusiasm – brought home the desperate plight of our wild pollinators as well as how we can mitigate their further decline, and help them return to more sustainable numbers. Ted’s web page is a feast for eye and mind.

Several years ago, the chapter developed a series of ready-to-go workshop synopses to support those members asked to do seminars and speaking engagements for local garden clubs. These documents range from outlines for presenters to PowerPoint presentations (some with audio). We are in the process of updating these resources so look for them soon on VIMGA pages.


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