Morrell Plant Sale

Mon, 05/14/2018 - 20:05 -- Cameron Smith
Plant Sales
Monday, May 14, 2018

Into the Woods

On Vancouver Island you are never far from nature, but many sensitive areas near
urban centres are easily polluted and their precious ecosystems destroyed.

Saving them is the job of the Nature Trust of British Columbia, and one of the
preserves is the Morrell Nature Sanctuary which lies in the higher lands just
east of Highway 19, where it borders the City of Nanaimo.

The Morrell Sanctuary
is a nonprofit, 278-acre park that offers a beautiful lake, dog-friendly trails
for walkers, runners and hikers at all levels, interpretive signs & educational
programs. It is leased and managed by the volunteers of the Morrell Sanctuary
Society for Environmental Education.

The Master Gardeners of VIMGA also have an
important presence, holding clinics and educational seminars. This past week,
Wendy Kirk, Mary Shakespeare and Susan Klimczak offered a clinic under the
watchful eye of Dorothee Keiser.

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