Sat, 03/14/2020 - 10:21 -- berube.estelle
Saturday, March 14, 2020

The data collected over the past three years clearly indicate that Kamloops is home to a diverse mix of pollinators. The lack of information surrounding native bee abundance and diversity has often meant that honeybees become the focus of municipal policy aimed at maintaining or increasing pollination services. This project revealed that Kamloops gardens are visited by many pollinators from many different functional groups. There is also a high diversity of bumble bees located in our area. The author believed that the preservation and creation of habitat for hairy belly bees (cavity nesting bees) and pollen pants bees (ground nesting bees) within city parks should be a top priority. Some changes that may help include:

a. Promoting the use of native pollinator friendly plants in city projects and backyard gardens,

b. Creating pollinator gardens throughout the city that include suitable nesting habitat or nesting boxes within them,

c. Identifying and protecting current pollinator foraging habitat and nesting,

d.Installing cavity nesting bee nests or drilling holes in fallen logs

e. Implementing and funding community events that educate the public of the importance and the diversity of native bee populations within Kamloops, BC,

f. Continuing citizen science and independent research on local native bees.