Veggies and herbs:
I'd like to plant vegetables in plastic containers. What type of soil should I use?
I have some gray, powdery substance in my vegetable garden (on the foliage and stems of my zucchini, squash, and pumpkins). What is this, is it harmful and what can I do about it?
What should I do about rust on my established garlic?
What can I do about garlic white rot?
My beets have brown blotchy leaves but I can't see any insects.
What is wrong with my tomato? The tomato has a brown leathery scab covering the bottom.
I would like to grow an indoor herb garden. What kinds of herbs can I grow indoors? What kinds of conditions do herbs need?
I get a few hours of afternoon sun. What food crops can I grow?
I would like to have fresh vegetables from my garden, even in the winter. Do I need a greenhouse for this?
Why aren’t my lettuce and spinach seeds germinating?
Can I grow ginger and horseradish in my garden?
Why does winter squash taste better if left on the vine till late fall?
When should I start thinking about planting winter veggies and what works best on our coast?
What can I feed my tomatoes?
When is it safe to plant vegetables outside? What are the growth requirements?
What are the different kinds of garlic?
Can I grow tomatoes in Victoria during the winter months?
When should I stop watering my garlic?
Last summer the temperatures were warm early and my lettuces bolted. Which kinds of lettuce do better in warmer weather?
Last summer I had a lot of the top flowers drop off my scarlet runner beans. Why?
I bought a mutant yam (or sweet potato)! The flesh is white on one side and orange on the other. What is going on?
Are tomatoes self-fertile?
I have cucumbers with yellowing leaves that are falling off. What’s wrong with my plant?
What is eating my pea starts?
What can I do about garlic white rot?
What can I do to get my vegetable garden started in March?
Can I grow English cucumbers in this climate?
My parsley and cilantro have flowered. Should I cut off the flower stalks now?
I want a spinach that I can keep harvesting. Are there varieties that I should use?
I would like to grow plants and flowers that can be used for cooking. I am particularly interested in edible flowers like lavender. Do you have any suggestions?
When should I stop watering my garlic?