you asked us

Plants for under a fir tree

Wed, 04/22/2020 - 14:50 -- mhwyeth

What can I plant under an established fir tree?  

Common douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii, is a deep-rooting species. However, as in many other tree species, its root structure varies according to the nature of the soil. In deep, well-drained soils, taproots may grow up to 50% of their final depth in 3 to 5 years. Plate-like root systems develop when it grows in shallow soils or with a high water table. Fine roots are concentrated in the upper 20 cm of soil.

Veggies and Herbs

Wed, 04/22/2020 - 11:08 -- mhwyeth

Veggies and herbs:


I'd like to plant vegetables in plastic containers. What type of soil should I use?


I have some gray, powdery substance in my vegetable garden (on the foliage and stems of my zucchini, squash, and pumpkins). What is this, is it harmful and what can I do about it?

What should I do about rust on my established garlic?

What can I do about garlic white rot?

YAU Question Categories

Wed, 04/22/2020 - 10:33 -- mhwyeth

We get a lot of questions at our garden clinics and don't always have the time or the tools to give full answers, but we take note of the questions and research some of them later.  This collection of questions and fully researched answers dates back several years.  

You can browse through our categories or do a more directed search using the Search box in the upper right.  That searches the whole of the Master Gardeners of BC site, not just Victoria, so you may see entries from any of our six chapters as well as any questions we have included that relate to your topic. 

Scions for grafting?

Wed, 04/22/2020 - 09:18 -- mhwyeth

When do you take scions for grafting? (December 2015)

Grafting and budding are used as the principle methods of propagating in certain plants such as fruit trees. They are techniques used to combine one plant with another to encourage growth as a unified plant, one that is identical to the parent plant.

Factors affecting successful grafting or budding are: temperature, time of year, age of the plant parts, scion orientation, and care of grafted plants, soil moisture, and contact of stock and scion.

Gardening during the winter months?

Wed, 04/22/2020 - 08:52 -- mhwyeth

What should I be doing in my garden during the winter months (Nov. – Feb.)? What can I do to get ready for spring?  (January 2016)

Well, what you do in your garden during the winter months really depends on how active you wish to be. For those living near coastal B.C., there are a number of gardening activities that can be pursued throughout the year.
